• Welcome New Members!

  • Dear Parents:

     Thank you for choosing E3 Modern Learning for your teen’s test prep needs.  We are confident that you will be very satisfied with our services.   We believe that all children have the potential reaching his/her true ACT score. I am here to answer any questions call anytime, at (402) 810-6321. 

     Our rate is $80 per hourly session. Most sessions are an hour and a half twice a week. However, this may change due to each teen’s ACT  playbook. This will be discussed during our initial consult.  We do not use a cookie cutter program, rather create a program based on each child’s goals. 

     Again, thank you for your decision to invest in your child’s future with us.  Please fill out the form below, to begin your teen’s ACT test prep journey. 


     Rebecca Kennedy


  • Enrollment Form